Upma | Delicious and Nutritious Green Upma Recipe




Delicious and Nutritious Green Upma Recipe

Green Upma is also called Sooji Upma Recipe or Vegetable Upma Recipe  is a flavorful South Indian dish crafted from semolina (rava) and infused with the freshness of green ingredients such as coriander leaves, green chilies, and tomatoes.

Quick and easy to prepare, it serves as a delightful breakfast or a satisfying light meal.



Its simplicity belies its rich taste and nutritional value, making it a favorite among many.

This simple upma recipe combines the wholesome goodness of semolina with the vibrant flavors of fresh greens, resulting in a dish that’s both delicious and nourishing.

Whether enjoyed as a hearty breakfast or a comforting evening snack, green upma never fails to satisfy.


The green upma recipe is all about simple steps to make tasty food.

First, we lightly roast semolina to bring out its nice smell and golden color.

We do this by heating a pan with a bit of oil and toasting the semolina until it smells good.

Then, we focus on the green stuff.

We cook fresh green chilies, onions, and tomatoes together to add flavor.

Chopped coriander leaves give it a fresh taste, and peanuts add a nice crunch.


After that, we add water and salt to make a tasty broth.

We slowly mix in the roasted semolina, stirring a lot to keep it smooth.

When it gets thick, we lower the heat and let it cook until the semolina is soft.


Finally, we sprinkle chopped coriander leaves and peanuts on top to add color and crunch.

Now, our green upma is ready to eat!

Veg Upma Recipe is great for breakfast or any meal.

This recipe shows how simple ingredients and traditional cooking can make something yummy.


Ingredients Needed for Green Upma Recipe:

Upma Recipe Ingredients:

To make green upma, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 300g upma rava
  • 1 tomato
  • 3 green chilies
  • Handful of coriander leaves
  • 1 medium-sized onion
  • 100g peanuts
  • 1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 1/4 teaspoon ajwain (carom seeds)
  • Cooking oil
  • Salt

Step-by-Step Instructions to Prepare Green Upma

Step 1: Roasting Rava and Peanuts

Heat a pan and add 1 teaspoon of oil.

Roast the upma rava until it emits a fragrant aroma. Be careful not to burn it.

Transfer the roasted rava to a separate bowl.

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In the same pan, lightly fry the peanuts until they turn crispy.

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Step 2: Cooking the Base

Add oil to the pan again.

Add mustard seeds and ajwain (carom seeds).

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Once the mustard seeds start crackling, add chopped onions and green chilies.

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Fry for about a minute, then add chopped tomatoes and salt.

Cook until the tomatoes soften.

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Add coriander paste along with water.

Note: For dry upma, add 2 to 2 and a half cups of water; for a more gravy-like consistency, add 4 cups of water.

Avoid frying the coriander paste.

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Once the water starts boiling, reduce the heat and slowly add the roasted rava while stirring continuously.

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Cover and cook for 5 to 7 minutes on low heat, stirring occasionally until the upma is cooked.

Keep the heat low while cooking to ensure even cooking and prevent burning

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Step 3: Garnishing and Serving

Finally, garnish the green upma with chopped coriander leaves and fried peanuts before serving hot.

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Health Benefits of Green Upma

Green upma is not only a delicious dish but also packs a nutritional punch.

It is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and essential nutrients from fresh green ingredients like coriander leaves and tomatoes.

The peanuts add a crunch and are a good source of healthy fats and proteins.


Variations of Green Upma

While the traditional green upma recipe is delightful on its own, you can experiment with various ingredients to create different flavors.

Some popular variations include adding vegetables like carrots, peas, or bell peppers for added nutrition and color.

Tips for Making Perfect Green Upma

  • Use fresh ingredients for the best flavor.
  • Adjust the water quantity according to your preferred consistency.
  • Stir continuously while adding the rava to prevent lumps from forming.
  • Keep the heat low while cooking to ensure even cooking and prevent burning.
  • For dry upma, add 2 to 2 and a half cups of water; for a more gravy-like consistency, add 4 cups of water.


In short, Green upma is a versatile and nutritious dish that can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

With its simple ingredients and easy preparation method, it’s a favorite among both home cooks and food enthusiasts.

Experiment with different variations to suit your taste preferences and enjoy a wholesome meal packed with flavor and goodness.



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FAQs about Green Upma

Can I make green upma without peanuts?

Yes, you can omit peanuts if you have allergies or prefer not to use them.

The dish will still turn out flavorful.

Can I use pre-roasted rava for making green upma?

Yes, you can use pre-roasted rava if it’s available.

It will save you some time in the cooking process.

Is green upma suitable for vegans?

Yes, green upma is a vegan-friendly dish as it contains no animal products.

Can I make green upma in advance?

While it’s best enjoyed fresh, you can prepare the base in advance and reheat it before serving.

However, freshly garnished upma tastes the best.

Can I adjust the spiciness of green upma?

Yes, you can adjust the amount of green chilies according to your preference for spice level.

What is Upma Made Of?

Upma is a savory dish made primarily from semolina (also known as rava or suji), water, vegetables, and spices.

It typically includes ingredients like mustard seeds, cumin seeds, urad dal (split black gram), chana dal (split chickpeas), curry leaves, green chilies, ginger, onions, and sometimes nuts like cashews.

Is Upma Healthy or Unhealthy?

Upma is generally considered healthy. It’s a good source of carbohydrates, provides some protein, and can be nutrient-dense if made with plenty of vegetables and minimal oil. However, the healthiness depends on the ingredients and preparation method.

What Do We Call Upma in English?

Upma is commonly referred to as “semolina porridge” or “savory semolina” in English.

What Are the Advantages of Upma?

  • Nutrient-Rich: Provides essential nutrients when made with vegetables.
  • Low in Calories: Suitable for weight management when prepared with minimal oil.
  • Quick and Easy to Prepare: Convenient for busy schedules.
  • Versatile: Can be customized with different vegetables and spices.

Is POHA and Upma the Same?

No, poha and upma are not the same. Poha is made from flattened rice, while upma is made from semolina.

Is Rava Made From Maida?

No, rava (or suji) is not made from maida (refined wheat flour). Rava is made from durum wheat and is coarser than maida.

Can I Eat Upma Everyday?

Yes, you can eat upma every day as part of a balanced diet, especially if it includes a variety of vegetables and is prepared with minimal oil.

Can I Eat Upma at Night?

Yes, you can eat upma at night. It is light and easy to digest, making it a suitable dinner option.

What Are the Disadvantages of Eating Suji?

  • High in Carbohydrates: May not be suitable for low-carb diets.
  • Low in Fiber: Compared to whole grains, suji has less fiber.
  • May Cause Blood Sugar Spikes: For people with diabetes, it might cause rapid increases in blood sugar levels.

Who Discovered Upma?

The exact origin of upma is unclear, but it is a traditional dish from South India, particularly from the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Kerala.

Is Upma North or South Indian?

Upma is primarily a South Indian dish.

What is Upma Called in Bangalore?

In Bangalore, upma is often referred to as “Khara Bath” when it includes additional ingredients and spices.

Is Upma Good for BP?

Yes, upma can be good for managing blood pressure if it is made with minimal salt and healthy fats.

Is Upma Good for Dinner?

Yes, upma is light and easy to digest, making it a good option for dinner.

Is Poha Healthy?

Yes, poha is healthy. It is light, low in calories, and can be enriched with vegetables and peanuts for additional nutrition.

Is Upma Heavy to Digest?

No, upma is generally light and easy to digest.

Is Suji Healthy?

Yes, suji is healthy. It is a good source of carbohydrates, provides some protein, and is low in fat.

Is Upma Rich in Protein?

Upma contains a moderate amount of protein, especially if made with ingredients like lentils and nuts.

How to Know if Sooji Has Gone Bad?

Sooji can go bad if it smells off, has a bitter taste, or shows signs of infestation like weevils.

It should be stored in a cool, dry place.

Which is Better, Suji or Atta?

Both have their own benefits. Suji is good for light, easily digestible dishes, while atta (whole wheat flour) is higher in fiber and nutrients.

Is Upma Gluten-Free?

No, upma is not gluten-free since it is made from semolina, which contains gluten.

Is Upma Good for Gym?

Yes, upma can be a good pre- or post-workout meal as it provides a quick source of energy.

Does Upma Cause Acidity?

Upma typically does not cause acidity, but if it contains a lot of spices or is very oily, it might cause discomfort for some people.

What is the Difference Between Rava and Suji?

There is no difference; rava and suji are two names for the same ingredient—semolina.

What is the English Name of Upma?

Upma is commonly known as “semolina porridge” or “savory semolina” in English.

Is Upma Heat or Cold?

Upma is typically served hot.

What is the Real Name of Upma?

Upma is the real name of the dish, derived from the words “Uppu” (salt) and “Mavu” (flour) in Tamil and Malayalam.

What is a Good Side Dish for Upma?

Good side dishes for upma include coconut chutney, sambar, pickle, or yogurt.

What is Rawa?

Rawa, or rava, is another name for semolina, which is coarsely ground durum wheat.

What is the Conclusion of Upma?

Upma is a versatile, healthy, and easy-to-prepare dish that can be part of a balanced diet.

It offers nutritional benefits, especially when made with vegetables, and can be enjoyed at any meal.

What Are the Disadvantages of Rava?

  • Low in Fiber: Compared to whole grains.
  • May Spike Blood Sugar: Especially for people with diabetes.
  • Not Gluten-Free: Not suitable for those with gluten intolerance.

Is upma rava made of wheat or rice?

Upma rava, also known as semolina or suji, is made from wheat, specifically durum wheat.

It is a coarse flour that is a byproduct of the milling process of wheat.

Rice flour can be used to make a variant called “rice rava,” but traditional upma is typically made with wheat-based semolina.



Delicious and Nutritious Green Upma Recipe

359833d3144d68f0703179319ac508d5payal debnath
Discover the delightful flavors of green upma, a South Indian dish made with semolina, fresh greens, and spices. Perfect for a nutritious breakfast or snack!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine south indian
Servings 2 People
Calories 200 kcal


Ingredients Needed for Green Upma

To make green upma, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 300 g upma rava
  • 1 tomato
  • 3 green chilies
  • Handful of coriander leaves
  • 1 medium-sized onion
  • 100 g peanuts
  • 1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 1/4 teaspoon ajwain( carom seeds)
  • Cooking oil
  • Salt


Step-by-Step Instructions to Prepare Green Upma

    Step 1: Roasting Rava and Peanuts

    • Heat a pan and add 1 teaspoon of oil.
    • Roast the upma rava until it emits a fragrant aroma. Be careful not to burn it.
    • Transfer the roasted rava to a separate bowl.
    • In the same pan, lightly fry the peanuts until they turn crispy.

    Step 2: Cooking the Base

    • Add oil to the pan again.
    • Add mustard seeds and ajwain ( carom seeds). Once the mustard seeds start crackling, add chopped onions and green chilies.
    • Fry for about a minute, then add chopped tomatoes and salt. Cook until the tomatoes soften.
    • Add coriander paste along with water. For dry upma, add 2 to 2 and a half cups of water; for a more gravy-like consistency, add 4 cups of water. Avoid frying the coriander paste.
    • Once the water starts boiling, reduce the heat and slowly add the roasted rava while stirring continuously.
    • Cover and cook for 5 to 7 minutes on low heat, stirring occasionally until the upma is cooked.

    Step 3: Garnishing and Serving

    • Finally, garnish the green upma with chopped coriander leaves and fried peanuts before serving hot.

    Tips for Making Perfect Green Upma

    • Use fresh ingredients for the best flavor.
    • Adjust the water quantity according to your preferred consistency.
    • Stir continuously while adding the rava to prevent lumps from forming.
    • Keep the heat low while cooking to ensure even cooking and prevent burning.
    • For dry upma, add 2 to 2 and a half cups of water; for a more gravy-like consistency, add 4 cups of water.


    Variations of Green Upma

    While the traditional green upma recipe is delightful on its own, you can experiment with various ingredients to create different flavors.
    Some popular variations include adding vegetables like carrots, peas, or bell peppers for added nutrition and color.

    Nutritional information for green upma per 100 grams:

    NutrientAmount (per 100g)
    Calories150-200 kcal
    Carbohydrates25-30 grams
    Protein3-5 grams
    Fat5-7 grams
    Fiber2-3 grams
    Please note that these values are approximate and may vary based on specific ingredients and preparation methods.
    Keyword green upma recipe, upma, upma recipe


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