cluster beans | cluster beans fry| gawar palli fry

Cluster Beans Fry: A Delicious and Nutritious Dish

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cluster beans fry

Cluster Beans Fry: A Delicious and Nutritious Dish

359833d3144d68f0703179319ac508d5payal debnath
Cluster beans fry is a simple and flavorful Indian dish made with cluster beans, commonly known as gawar or gavar in Hindi.
This dish is packed with nutrients and offers a delightful combination of flavors.
In this recipe, we will explore how to prepare cluster beans fry step by step, highlighting the ingredients, cooking methods, and pro tips to enhance your culinary skills.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Main Course, Side Dish
Cuisine Indian
Servings 4 people


  • 250 gram cluster beans
  • 4 gree chillies
  • 1 tbsp raw geera
  • 1 tbsp haldi
  • oil for cooking
  • salt
  • 1/2 tbsp red chilli powder


  • step 1:Cleaning the Cluster Beans
    Before cooking, it's important to clean the cluster beans properly.
    Start by washing the cluster beans under running water to remove any dirt or impurities.
    Ensure that the beans are fresh and firm.
    Once the cluster beans are clean, trim both ends and cut them into small pieces. You can cut them diagonally or into bite-sized portions according to your preference.
    Cutting the beans helps in even cooking and enhances the overall texture of the dish.
  • Step 2: Boiling the Cluster Beans Boiling
    Method 1: Stovetop
    To partially cook the cluster beans, you can opt for stovetop boiling. Take a pot and fill it with water. Add the cut cluster beans to the pot and bring it to a boil. Let the beans simmer for about 40% of the cooking time, ensuring they are tender but still retain a slight crunch. Once done, drain the beans and set them aside.
    Boiling Method 2: Pressure Cooker
    Alternatively, you can use a pressure cooker for boiling the cluster beans. Place the cut cluster beans in the pressure cooker with a little water and cook them for 1 whistle or around 3-4 minutes. Release the pressure and open the cooker carefully. The beans should be partially cooked and ready for the next step.
  • Step 3: Cooking the Cluster Beans
    Take a pan or a kadai and heat oil over medium heat. Allow the oil to heat up before adding the ingredients.
    Once the oil is hot, add the cut green chillies and cumin seeds (raw geera). Stir them gently to infuse their flavors into the oil.
    Next, add the boiled cluster beans to the pan. Ensure that any excess water is drained before adding them. Mix well to coat the beans with the infused oil.
    Sprinkle turmeric powder, salt, and red chilli powder over the cluster beans. Adjust the amount of seasoning according to your taste preferences. Stir the ingredients to evenly distribute the spices.
    Continue stir-frying the cluster beans over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes. The spices will coat the beans, resulting in a flavorful dish. Stirring helps in even cooking and prevents the spices from burning.
    To further enhance the flavors, cover the pan and let the cluster beans simmer on low heat for approximately 10 minutes. This allows the spices to penetrate the beans and intensifies the taste. Ensure that the heat is low to prevent burning.
  • Step 4: Garnishing and Serving ,Adding Fresh Coriander Leaves
    Once the cluster beans are cooked to perfection, turn off the heat. Garnish the dish with freshly chopped coriander leaves. The vibrant green color and aromatic flavor of coriander complement the cluster beans fry beautifully.

Cluster beans fry is a simple and flavorful Indian dish made with cluster beans, commonly known as gawar or gavar in Hindi.

This dish is packed with nutrients and offers a delightful combination of flavors.

In this recipe, we will explore how to prepare cluster beans fry step by step, highlighting the ingredients, cooking methods, and pro tips to enhance your culinary skills.

So, let’s dive into the world of cluster beans fry and discover a delicious recipe to add to your repertoire.


To prepare cluster beans fry, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 250g cluster beans
  • 3 green chillies
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds (raw genera)
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder (haldi)
  • Oil for cooking
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon red chilli powder
  • Fresh coriander leaves for garnishing

Now that we have our ingredients ready, let’s proceed with the step-by-step process of making cluster beans fry.

Step 1: Preparing the Cluster Beans

Cleaning the Cluster Beans

Before cooking, it’s important to clean the cluster beans properly. Start by washing the cluster beans under running water to remove any dirt or impurities. Ensure that the beans are fresh and firm.

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Cutting the Cluster Beans

Once the cluster beans are clean, trim both ends and cut them into small pieces. You can cut them diagonally or into bite-sized portions according to your preference. Cutting the beans helps in even cooking and enhances the overall texture of the dish.

Step 2: Boiling the Cluster Beans

Boiling Method 1: Stovetop

To partially cook the cluster beans, you can opt for stovetop boiling.

Take a pot and fill it with water. Add the cut cluster beans to the pot and bring it to a boil.

Let the beans simmer for about 40% of the cooking time, ensuring they are tender but still retain a slight crunch.

Once done, drain the beans and set them aside.

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Boiling Method 2: Pressure Cooker

Alternatively, you can use a pressure cooker for boiling the cluster beans.

Place the cut cluster beans in the pressure cooker with a little water and cook them for 1 whistle or around 3-4 minutes.

Release the pressure and open the cooker carefully.

The beans should be partially cooked and ready for the next step.


Step 3: Cooking the Cluster Beans Fry

Heating the Oil

Take a pan or a kadai and heat the oil over medium heat. Allow the oil to heat up before adding the ingredients.

Adding Green Chillies and Cumin Seeds

Once the oil is hot, add the cut green chilies and cumin seeds (raw jeera). Stir them gently to infuse their flavors into the oil.

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Adding Boiled Cluster Beans

Next, add the boiled cluster beans to the pan. Ensure that any excess water is drained before adding them. Mix well to coat the beans with the infused oil.

Seasoning with Turmeric, Salt

Sprinkle turmeric powder, and salt, over the cluster beans. Adjust the amount of seasoning according to your taste preferences. Stir the ingredients to evenly distribute the spices.

Stir-Frying the Cluster Beans

Continue stir-frying the cluster beans over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes. The spices will coat the beans, resulting in a flavorful dish. Stirring helps in even cooking and prevents the spices from burning.

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adding red chilli powder, Covering and Simmering

To further enhance the flavors, cover the pan and let the cluster beans simmer on low heat for approximately 10 minutes.

This allows the spices to penetrate the beans and intensify the taste.

Ensure that the heat is low to prevent burning.

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Step 4: Garnishing and Serving

Adding Fresh Coriander Leaves

Once the cluster beans are cooked to perfection, turn off the heat.

Garnish the dish with freshly chopped coriander leaves.

The vibrant green color and aromatic flavor of coriander complement the cluster beans fry beautifully.

cluster beans fry

Serving Options

Cluster beans fry pairs well with various Indian breads like roti, paratha, or rice. You can enjoy it as a standalone dish or as a side dish with your favorite main course. The choice is yours!

Pro Tips for Cooking Cluster Beans Fry

  • Boiling the cluster beans before frying them helps in achieving a soft and tender texture. It ensures that the beans are cooked evenly and enhances their taste.
  • You can also use a pressure cooker to boil the cluster beans quickly. One whistle is sufficient to partially cook them.
  • Feel free to adjust the spices according to your preference. If you prefer a spicier flavor, you can increase the amount of red chili powder.
  • Adding a dash of lemon juice before serving can lend a tangy twist to the dish.
  • Cluster beans fry tastes great with a sprinkle of roasted sesame seeds on top. It adds a nutty flavor and crunch to the dish.

cluster beans fry is a delightful dish that combines the nutritional benefits of cluster beans with a burst of flavors.

By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can easily prepare this tasty and healthy recipe at home.

Enjoy the cluster beans fry as a wholesome meal or as a side dish to complement your favorite Indian cuisine.

It’s time to tantalize your taste buds with the goodness of cluster beans.

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cluster beans recipe

easy cluster bean fry



1. Can I use frozen cluster beans for this recipe?

Yes, you can use frozen cluster beans if fresh ones are not available. Make sure to thaw them before cooking.

2. Can I add other vegetables to this dish?

Certainly! Cluster bean fry can be customized by adding other vegetables like potatoes, carrots, or bell peppers for a flavorful variation.

3. Is cluster bean fry suitable for a vegan diet?

Absolutely! This recipe is vegan-friendly as it doesn’t include any animal-derived ingredients

4. cluster beans in Hindi?

Cluster beans are commonly known as “Gavar” or “guar beans” in Hindi

5. cluster beans in Kannada?

Cluster beans are commonly known as “Chavali kayi” in Kannada

6. cluster beans in Telugu?

Cluster beans are commonly known as “Goruchikkudu” in Telugu

7. cluster beans in Tamil?

Cluster beans are commonly known as “Kothavarangai” in Tamil

8. cluster beans in Malayalam?

Cluster beans are commonly known as “Kothavara ” in Malayalam

9. cluster beans in Hindi and Gujarati?

Cluster beans are commonly known as “Gavar” in Hindi and Gujarati

10. cluster beans in Marathi?

Cluster beans are commonly known as “gawar palli” in Marathi


cluster beans benefits

Cluster beans, also known as guar beans or gavar in Hindi, offer numerous health benefits.

Here are some key benefits of including cluster beans in your diet:

  • Rich in Fiber: Cluster beans are an excellent source of dietary fiber.
  • Consuming an adequate amount of fiber can promote healthy digestion, prevent constipation, and support overall gut health.


  • Nutrient Powerhouse: These beans are packed with essential nutrients such as vitamins (vitamin C, vitamin K), minerals (calcium, iron, potassium), and antioxidants.
  • These nutrients contribute to maintaining optimal health and supporting various bodily functions.


  • Blood Sugar Regulation: Cluster beans have a low glycemic index, which means they release sugar into the bloodstream at a slower rate.
  • This quality helps in regulating blood sugar levels, making them beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those aiming to manage blood sugar levels.


  • Heart Health: The fiber content in cluster beans can help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby promoting heart health and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.


  • Weight Management: As a low-calorie and high-fiber food, cluster beans can be beneficial for weight management.
  • The fiber content helps you feel fuller for longer, reducing cravings and overeating.


  • Anti-inflammatory Properties: Cluster beans possess anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of flavonoids and antioxidants.
  • These properties can help reduce inflammation in the body and contribute to overall health and well-being.


  • Bone Health: The combination of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K in cluster beans promotes strong and healthy bones.
  • Regular consumption of cluster beans can help prevent osteoporosis and maintain bone density.


  • Digestive Health: The fiber in cluster beans supports a healthy digestive system by promoting regular bowel movements and preventing digestive disorders like constipation and bloating.


  • Immune System Support: The presence of vitamin C in cluster beans boosts the immune system, helping to fight off infections and illnesses.


  • Skin Health: The antioxidants and vitamins present in cluster beans contribute to healthy skin by protecting against free radicals, promoting collagen production, and maintaining skin elasticity.

Incorporating cluster beans into your diet can be a nutritious addition, offering a range of health benefits

. However, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist for personalized dietary recommendations based on your specific health needs.


cluster beans nutrition per 100grams

Cluster beans, also known as guar beans or gavar in Hindi, are highly nutritious and offer a range of essential nutrients.

Here is the nutritional profile of cluster beans per 100 grams:

  • Calories: 25
  • Protein: 3.7 grams
  • Fat: 0.2 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 3.9 grams
  • Fiber: 2.7 grams
  • Calcium: 55 milligrams
  • Iron: 1.7 milligrams
  • Magnesium: 36 milligrams
  • Potassium: 188 milligrams
  • Vitamin C: 14 milligrams
  • Vitamin K: 47 micrograms

Cluster beans are low in calories and fat, making them a healthy addition to a balanced diet.

They are an excellent source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion, promotes satiety, and supports bowel regularity.

The protein content in cluster beans contributes to muscle growth and repair.

They are also rich in essential minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium, which are important for maintaining bone health, regulating blood pressure, and supporting various bodily functions.

Cluster beans are a good source of vitamin C, an antioxidant that boosts the immune system and promotes collagen synthesis.

Additionally, they contain vitamin K, which plays a crucial role in blood clotting and bone metabolism.

Including cluster beans in your meals can provide you with a nutrient-dense option that offers a range of health benefits.

They are versatile ingredients that can be used in various dishes to enhance their nutritional value.


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