How To Make Idli Dosa Batter at Home without Soda | Easy Idli Dosa Batter


Idli Dosa Batter-Idli and Dosa are quintessential South Indian delicacies, cherished for their unique flavors and textures. The secret to making these dishes lies in the preparation of the batter. A well-made Idli Dosa batter is the foundation for creating soft, fluffy idlis and crispy, golden dosas. This batter is a blend of simple ingredients: … Read more

Idli Recipe: A Steamed Delicacy from South India

idli recipe

    Idli Recipe: A Steamed Delicacy from South India Idli Recipe, a soft and fluffy steamed rice cake, is a traditional South Indian delicacy loved by many across the globe. Made from simple ingredients like regular rice, urad dal, and rava (semolina), and flavored with methi seeds. this article will guide you through the … Read more