Mixed Vegetables Recipe: A Delightful Symphony of Flavors





If you want to make your dinner more delicious, try this Mixed Vegetables Recipe.

mixed vegetables recipe

It’s filled with cauliflower stems, eggplant, green peas, tomatoes, kohlrabi, flat beans, green chilies, kalongi seeds, dried chilies, turmeric powder, salt, mustard oil, coriander leaves, and a little sugar, promising a tasty experience.

Before you start cooking, make sure to use fresh vegetables.

Good ingredients are the key to making this dish tasty.

The mix of different vegetables not only adds flavor but also brings lots of good stuff for your health


Preparing (mixed vegetables recipe)

Begin by washing all the veggies well.

To make your dish look nice and cook evenly, cut the veggies into pieces that are the same size, just like the cauliflower stems.

You can check the picture for help

Cooking Process (mixed vegetables recipe)

In a hot pan, heat mustard oil with kalongi seeds and a dry chili.

The trick is to make the flavor come out by rubbing the kalongi seeds between your hands before adding them.

Put in all the veggies, add turmeric powder and salt, and stir a lot on high heat for 3 minutes.

Now, cover the pan and let everything cook on medium to low heat for 10-15 minutes.

Try not to stir too much to get a creamy texture.

After 15 minutes, check if it’s cooked, and add a little sugar for a great taste.

Throw in coriander leaves, stir for another 5 minutes on high heat, and turn off the heat once the extra water is gone.

How to Serving mixed vegetables recipe.

You can have this tasty mix of flavors with either roti or rice.

This recipe is versatile, so it goes well with many main courses, making it a great addition to your cooking options.

 Variations of mixed vegetables recipe.

If you want a North Indian twist, make the recipe even better by adding 1/2 teaspoon of jeera, dhania powder, and a little garam masala.

This change gives the dish more flavor, making it great for different tastes.

Look at the picture to see how to cut the veggies.

And don’t forget, being patient and not stirring too much helps make the dish creamy and delicious.

Health Boost

Not just tasty, this mixed vegetables recipe is also really good for you.

All the different veggies have lots of vitamins, minerals, and good stuff that keep you healthy, making it a great choice for a balanced meal.

 Customization Tips

You can try adding more veggies or change how much spice you put in to match what you like.

Cooking is like painting; this recipe wants you to make it your own and have a special meal

 Common Mistakes to Sidestep

For a good cooking experience, don’t stir too much or cook for too long.

Being patient and paying attention to details will help you make a perfect dish.


This mixed vegetables recipe makes a tasty dish that everyone will like.

Whether you cook it the usual way or try something new, it will be a mix of great tastes and textures.


Ingredients for Mixed Vegetables Recipe:

  • Hand full Cauliflower steams( 200g)
  • 1 Brinjal medium sized
  • Green peas( 100g)
  • 2 Tomatoes
  • 2 Medium-sized kohlrabi
  • Flat beans( 200g)
  • 4 Green chillies
  • 1 Teaspoon kalonji seeds
  • 2 Dry chillies
  • 1 Teaspoon haldi powder
  • Salt
  • Mustard oil
  • Handful of Dhania leaves
  • Pinch of sugar

Let’s explore the ingredients used in the mixed vegetables recipe, along with their flavors and specific roles in enhancing the dish:

1. Cauliflower Steams:

Flavor: Mild and slightly sweet.

Uses: Adds a soft and delicate texture to the dish.

Absorbs the flavors of other ingredients.

2. Brinjal (Eggplant):

Flavor: Earthy and slightly bitter.

Uses: Brings a rich and meaty texture to the dish.

Absorbs the spices and seasonings well.

3. Green Peas:

Flavor: Sweet and fresh.

Uses: Adds a burst of sweetness and vibrant color.

Provides a source of plant-based protein.

4. Tomatoes:

Flavor: Tangy and slightly sweet.

Uses: Contributes acidity and freshness.

Helps create a flavorful base for the dish.

5. Kohlrabi:

Flavor: Mild, sweet, and slightly peppery.

Uses: Adds a unique crunch and sweetness.

Provides vitamins and minerals.

6. Flat Beans:

Flavor: Nutty and slightly sweet.

Uses: Offers a crisp texture and vibrant green color.

Complements the overall medley of flavors.

7. Green Chillies:

Flavor: Spicy and pungent.

Uses: Infuses heat and spice to the dish.

Can be adjusted according to personal spice preferences.

8. Kalonji Seeds:

Flavor: Earthy and peppery.

Uses: Imparts a distinctive flavor.

Known for its aromatic properties.

Adds depth to the overall taste.

9. Dry Chillies:

Flavor: Spicy and smoky.

Uses: Contributes to the dish’s heat level and provides a smoky undertone.

Adds complexity to the flavor profile.

10. Haldi Powder (Turmeric):

Flavor: Warm and slightly bitter.

Uses: Adds a vibrant yellow color and enhances the dish’s visual appeal.

Offers anti-inflammatory properties.

11. Salt:

Flavor: Enhances other flavors.

Uses: Balances the overall taste of the dish.

Essential for seasoning and bringing out the natural flavors of ingredients.

12. Mustard Oil:

Flavor: Pungent and slightly spicy.

Uses: Imparts a unique and authentic flavor.

Enhances the overall taste of the dish.

13. Dhania Leaves (Coriander):

Flavor: Fresh and citrusy.

Uses: Adds a burst of freshness and color.

Elevate the dish with a hint of citrus notes.

14. Pinch of Sugar:

Flavor: Sweet.

Uses: Balances the overall taste by neutralizing acidity.

Enhances the harmony of flavors in the dish.

Step-by-Step Guide with Photos to Prepare Mixed Vegetables Recipe:

Step 1: Prepare the Vegetables

  • Start by washing all the vegetables thoroughly.
  • Cut all the vegetables into uniform sizes, similar to cauliflower steams.

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  • Refer to the provided image for better understanding.

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Step 2: Heat Mustard Oil

  • Heat mustard oil in a pan.
  • Add 1 dry chilli and 1 teaspoon kalongi seeds.
  • Before adding kalongi seeds, rub them between your hands to release their flavor.


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Step 3: Saute the Vegetables

  • Add all the prepared vegetables to the hot oil.


  • Sprinkle 1 teaspoon haldi powder and salt.

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  • Stir well on high heat for 3 minutes.

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Step 4: Cooking on Medium to Low Heat

  • Cover the pan and let the vegetables cook for 10 to 15 minutes on medium to low heat.
  • Avoid stirring too much to prevent a delay in the cooking process.

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Step 5: Check for Creamy Texture

  • After 15 minutes, check whether the vegetables are cooked.
  • The goal is to achieve a creamy texture, so cook on medium to low heat.

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Step 6: Final Touch

  • Once all the vegetables are cooked, add a pinch of sugar for a balanced taste.
  • Add dhania leaves and stir well for an additional 5 minutes on high heat.
  • Once any remaining water has dried up, turn off the heat.



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Step 7: Serve Hot

  • Serve the mixed vegetables hot with roti and rice.

mixed vegetables recipe

Variation for North Indian Taste:

  • For a North Indian flavor, add 1/2 teaspoon of jeera, dhania powder, and a pinch of garam masala powder during the cooking process.

Enjoy your delicious mixed vegetable dish, filled with a symphony of flavors and textures!


 Pro Tips for Preparing the Mixed Vegetables Recipe:

Freshness is Key:

Use the freshest vegetables available for optimal flavor and nutritional value.

Check for firmness and vibrant colors when selecting vegetables.

Uniform Cutting:

Ensure all vegetables are cut into uniform sizes for even cooking.

This not only enhances the dish’s appearance but also ensures consistent texture.

Flavorful Kalonji Seeds:

Rub the kalongi seeds between your hands before adding them to release their full flavor.

This small step contributes significantly to the overall taste of the dish.


When cooking on medium to low heat, exercise patience to achieve a creamy texture.

Avoid stirring too frequently, as it may delay the cooking process.

Balance of Tastes:

Add a pinch of sugar at the end for a subtle sweetness that balances the overall taste.

Adjust salt and spice levels according to your personal preference.

Visual Reference:

Refer to the provided image for a visual guide on cutting vegetables.

Visual cues can help ensure your preparation aligns with the intended outcome.

 Serving Options:

Experiment with serving the mixed vegetables with different accompaniments, such as roti, rice naan

The dish is versatile and complements various main courses.

Customization and Creativity:

Feel free to customize the recipe by adding your favorite vegetables or adjusting spice levels.

Cooking is an art, and this recipe encourages creativity in the kitchen.

Careful with Mustard Oil:

Mustard oil contributes to the authentic flavor; however, you can use other oils if preferred.

Ensure the oil is adequately heated before adding the kalongi seeds.

Experiment with Variations:

Explore different variations, such as the North Indian twist with jeera, dhania powder, and garam masala.

Adding personal touches can make the dish uniquely yours.

Remember, cooking is not just a process, it’s an opportunity to express your creativity and indulge in a delightful culinary experience.

Enjoy preparing and savoring your mixed vegetable recipe!


The mixed vegetables recipe offers a range of health benefits, making it a nutritious and wholesome addition to your diet:

This mixed vegetables recipe is super healthy!

It’s got lots of good things like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that your body needs.

Stuff like cauliflower steam, peas, and beans help with digestion and keep things moving in your tummy.

Tomatoes give you vitamin C, kohlrabi has vitamin B6, and green peas give you vitamins A and K, which all help your body work well.

The mixed vegetables recipe also has antioxidants that fight bad stuff and keep your cells safe.

The oil we use is good for your heart, and the fiber in the veggies helps your heart too.

Because of all the fiber, it can help you feel full and manage your weight by eating fewer calories.

Veggies like kohlrabi and green peas have things like calcium and phosphorus that are good for your bones.

Some of the spices, like kalongi seeds and turmeric, can help with inflammation, which is like when your body gets a bit sore.

All the vitamins and minerals in the veggies help your immune system, which fights off sickness.

So, this mixed vegetables recipe is not just yummy, it’s also a really good and healthy choice for your meals.


Also Read:

Petha ki sabji | Delicious petha ki sabji kaise banti hai

Dum Aloo Recipe | Dum Aloo Recipe in Hindi


Nutritional chart for the mixed vegetables recipe per 100g:

NutrientAmount per 100g
Calories80 kcal
Total Fat4.5g
– Saturated Fat0.5g
– Dietary Fiber3g
– Sugars3g
Vitamin A500 IU
Vitamin C25mg
Vitamin K30mcg
Vitamin B60.2mg

Note: Nutrient values of (the mixed vegetables recipe) are approximate and can vary based on specific ingredient quantities and variations in preparation.


 Here’s a simple table summarizing the differences between fresh vegetables and frozen vegetables:

AspectFresh VegetablesFrozen Vegetables
SourceRecently harvested, not processedPicked at peak freshness, then frozen
AvailabilitySold in the produce section of grocery stores available In the freezer section of grocery stores
TextureCrisp and vibrantSlightly different texture due to freezing, but convenient and ready to use shelf
 LifeShorter shelf life, should be used within a few days longer long shelf life, convenient for storage
Preparation TimeRequire washing and cutting before usePre-cut and ready to use, saving time in the kitchen
ConvenienceLimited convenience due to preparation needs convenient time-saving, especially for out-of-season produce nutrients
 RetentionMay experience some nutrient loss over time nutrients preserved well due to the freezing process



  1. Can I use frozen vegetables for the mixed vegetables recipe?
    • While fresh is recommended for optimal flavor, frozen vegetables can be used with slight adjustments to cooking time.
  2. What can I substitute for kalongi seeds?
    • Cumin seeds are a suitable substitute if kalongi seeds are unavailable.
  3. How can I make the mixed vegetables recipe spicier?
    • Increase the number of green chilies or add a dash of red chili powder to intensify the heat.
  4. Is mustard oil necessary, or can I use a different oil?
    • Mustard oil contributes to the authentic flavor, but you can use other oils if preferred.
  5. Can I prepare a mixed vegetable recipe in advance?
    • Yes, the mixed vegetables recipe can be cooked in advance and reheated before serving



mixed vegetables recipe

Mixed Vegetables Recipe: A Delightful Symphony of Flavors

359833d3144d68f0703179319ac508d5payal debnath
Indulge in a wholesome mix of veggies – a burst of flavors, rich in nutrients.
Try our mixed vegetables recipe for a tasty and healthy dining experience!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Course Main Course, Side Dish
Cuisine bengali, Indian
Servings 5 people
Calories 80 kcal


Ingredients for Mixed Vegetables Recipe:

  • Hand full Cauliflower steams 200g
  • 1 Brinjal medium sized
  • Green peas 100g
  • 2 Tomatoes
  • 2 Medium-sized kohlrabi
  • Flat beans 200g
  • 4 Green chillies
  • 1 Teaspoon kalonji seeds
  • 2 Dry chillies
  • 1 Teaspoon haldi powder
  • Salt
  • Mustard oil
  • Handful of Dhania leaves
  • Pinch of sugar


Step-by-Step Guide  to prepare Mixed Vegetables Recipe:

    Step 1: Prepare the Vegetables

    • Start by washing all the vegetables thoroughly.
    • Cut all the vegetables into uniform sizes, similar to cauliflower steams.
    • Refer to the provided image for better understanding.

    Step 2: Heat Mustard Oil

    • Heat mustard oil in a pan.
    • Add 1 dry chilli and 1 teaspoon kalongi seeds.
    • Before adding kalongi seeds, rub them between your hands to release their flavor.

    Step 3: Saute the Vegetables

    • Add all the prepared vegetables to the hot oil.
    • Sprinkle 1 teaspoon haldi powder and salt.
    • Stir well on high heat for 3 minutes.

    Step 4: Cooking on Medium to Low Heat

    • Cover the pan and let the vegetables cook for 10 to 15 minutes on medium to low heat.
    • Avoid stirring too much to prevent a delay in the cooking process.

    Step 5: Check for Creamy Texture

    • After 15 minutes, check whether the vegetables are cooked.
    • The goal is to achieve a creamy texture, so cook on medium to low heat.

    Step 6: Final Touch

    • Once all the vegetables are cooked, add a pinch of sugar for a balanced taste.
    • Add dhania leaves and stir well for an additional 5 minutes on high heat.

    Step 7: Serve Hot

    • Once any remaining water has dried up, turn off the heat.
    • Serve the mixed vegetables hot with roti and rice.

    Variation for North Indian Taste:

    • For a North Indian flavor, add 1/2 teaspoon of jeera, dhania powder, and a pinch of garam masala powder during the cooking process.
    • Enjoy your delicious mixed vegetable dish, filled with a symphony of flavors and textures!


    Nutritional chart (mixed vegetables recipe) per 100g:

    mixed vegetables recipe
    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Calories80 kcal
    Total Fat4.5g
    - Saturated Fat0.5g
    - Dietary Fiber3g
    - Sugars3g
    Vitamin A500 IU
    Vitamin C25mg
    Vitamin K30mcg
    Vitamin B60.2mg
    Note: Nutrient values of (the mixed vegetable recipe) are approximate and can vary based on specific ingredient quantities and variations in preparation.
    Keyword mix veg, mix veg sabji, mixed vegetables recipe


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