White Pumpkin Recipes | Ash Gourd| Ash Gourd Recipe




Ash Gourd Recipe: A Delightful Dish with White Pumpkin

Ash gourd Recipe, also known as white pumpkin recipe.

With its mild flavor and unique texture, ash gourd has gained popularity in various cuisines around the world.

These are some of the commonly used names for ash gourd in India: Ash Gourd,

Petha,Bengali: Chal Kumro,Tamil: Neer Poosanikai,Telugu: Boodida Gummadikaya,Kannada: Boodu Kumbalakayi,

Malayalam: Kumbalanga, Marathi: Kohala, Gujarati: Bhopla, Punjabi: Petha, Urdu: Petha


                    In this ash gourd recipe, we will explore a simple and flavorful recipe that you can easily prepare at home. Let’s dive in!

                    Ingredients for Ash Gourd Recipe:

                    To make this mouthwatering ash gourd dish, you will need the following ingredients:

                    Ash Gourd (White Pumpkin)500g
                    Tomatoes, chopped2
                    Green Chillies4
                    Cumin Seeds ( raw Geera)1 teaspoon turmeric
                    c Powder (Haldi)1 teaspoon
                    Oil (for cooking)As needed
                    SaltTo taste
                    Dhaniya Leaves (Coriander)As desired
                    Gram Flour (Besan)2 tablespoons
                    Red Chilli Powder (optional)1 teaspoon or As desired (optional)
                    Cumin Powder (optional)1/2 teaspoon or As desired (optional)

                    Please note that these quantities are approximate and can be adjusted according to personal preference and taste.

                    Step by Step Preparation of Ash Gourd Recipe:

                    Step 1: Preparation of Ash Gourd:

                    Begin by peeling off the skin of the ash gourd (white pumpkin).

                    Once peeled, cut the ash gourd into small, equal-sized pieces.

                    This will ensure that the gourd cooks evenly and enhances the overall presentation of the dish.

                    Step 2: Cooking Instructions:

                    • Heat a pan and add oil to it. Allow the oil to heat up.
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                    • Add the chopped green chillies and cumin seeds (jeera) to the pan.
                    • Stir them for a few seconds until they release their aroma.
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                    • Now, add the peeled and chopped ash gourd (white pumpkin) along with the chopped tomatoes to the pan.
                    • Sprinkle the turmeric powder (haldi) and salt over the mixture.
                    • Give it a good mix to ensure all the ingredients are well combined.
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                    • Cook the mixture on high heat for approximately 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.
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                    • After 2 minutes, reduce the heat to low and cover the pan.
                    • Allow the ash gourd to cook slowly for about 10 minutes, allowing the flavors to develop.
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                    • After 10 minutes, remove the lid and check if the ash gourd has turned tender and cooked thoroughly.
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                    • At this stage, add the gram flour (besan) and fresh coriander leaves (dhania patta) to the pan.
                    • Mix everything well, ensuring that the besan is evenly incorporated.
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                    • Cook the mixture for another 2-3 minutes on low heat, allowing the besan to cook and blend with the other ingredients.
                    • Once the ash gourd is cooked to perfection and the flavors have melded together, turn off the heat
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                    Serving Suggestions:

                    This delectable ash gourd recipe dish pairs wonderfully with both rice and roti.

                    The soft and succulent texture of the ash gourd, combined with the aromatic spices, creates a delightful experience for your taste buds.

                    Serve it hot and garnish with a sprinkle of fresh coriander leaves for an added touch of freshness.

                    ash gourd recipe


                    This ash gourd recipe provides a simple and flavorful way to enjoy the unique characteristics of white pumpkin.

                    By following the steps outlined above, you can effortlessly create a dish that is both delicious and satisfying.

                    So, why not give it a try? Prepare this ash gourd recipe and savor the delightful flavors of this versatile vegetable.


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                    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

                     1: Can I substitute ash gourd with another vegetable?

                    While ash gourd is the star ingredient of this recipe, you can experiment with other similar vegetables like bottle gourd or ridge gourd to create variations of this dish.

                    However, keep in mind that the taste and texture may differ slightly.

                     2: How long does it take to cook the ash gourd?

                    The cooking time may vary depending on the size and thickness of the ash gourd pieces.

                    Generally, it takes around 10 minutes on low heat for the ash gourd to become tender and cooked thoroughly.

                     3: Can I add other spices to enhance the flavor?

                    Absolutely! Feel free to add other spices according to your taste preferences.

                    You can sprinkle some red chili powder for a spicy kick or cumin powder for an additional burst of flavor.

                     4: What are the health benefits of ash gourd?

                    Ash gourd is packed with essential nutrients and offers numerous health benefits.

                    It is low in calories, rich in fiber, and contains vitamins A, C, and B-complex.

                    It is also known for its hydrating properties and can aid in digestion.

                     5: Is this recipe suitable for vegetarians?

                    Yes, this ash gourd recipe is completely vegetarian-friendly as it does not contain any meat or animal-derived ingredients.

                    It’s a great choice for individuals following a vegetarian or plant-based diet.



                    Here are some of the health benefits of ash gourd:

                    • Hydration and Weight Management: Ash gourd has a high water content, making it an excellent choice for hydration It helps in maintaining optimal fluid balance in the body.
                    • Additionally, its low-calorie and high-fiber nature makes it beneficial for weight management.


                    • Digestive Health: The fiber content in ash gourd promotes healthy digestion by adding bulk to the stool and supporting regular bowel movements.
                    • It can help alleviate constipation and promote a healthy digestive system.


                    • Detoxification: Ash gourd has diuretic properties that can aid in flushing out toxins from the body.
                    • It helps in cleansing the kidneys and urinary system, promoting detoxification and reducing the risk of urinary tract infections.


                    • Rich in Antioxidants: Ash gourd is a good source of antioxidants such as vitamin C and beta-carotene.
                    • These antioxidants help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and supporting overall health.


                    • Boosts Immunity: The vitamin C content in ash gourd enhances the immune system’s function, helping the body defend against infections and diseases.
                    • It strengthens the immune response and promotes overall well-being.


                    • Supports Heart Health: Ash gourd contains potassium, which plays a crucial role in maintaining heart health.
                    • Potassium helps regulate blood pressure levels and supports proper heart function, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.


                    • Promotes Skin Health: Ash gourd is known for its cooling and hydrating properties, which can benefit the skin.
                    • Regular consumption of ash gourd may help in maintaining healthy skin, reducing inflammation, and preventing skin-related issues.


                    • May Aid in Diabetes Management: Ash gourd has a low glycemic index and contains compounds that may help regulate blood sugar levels.
                    • It may assist in managing diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism.


                    • Rich in Nutrients: Ash gourd is a good source of essential nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and B-complex, as well as minerals like calcium, iron, and phosphorus.
                    • These nutrients support overall health and contribute to various bodily functions.

                    It’s important to note that while ash gourd offers potential health benefits, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist for personalized advice and guidance regarding its inclusion in your diet.

                    Ash gourd is known by different names in various Indian languages



                      These are some of the commonly used names for ash gourd in India.

                      Recipe Card:

                      ash gourd recipe

                      Ash Gourd Recipe: A Delightful Dish with White Pumpkin

                      359833d3144d68f0703179319ac508d5payal debnath
                      Ash gourd, also known as white pumpkin, is a versatile vegetable that can be used in a variety of delicious recipes.
                      With its mild flavor and unique texture, ash gourd has gained popularity in various cuisines around the world.
                      we will explore a simple and flavorful ash gourd recipe that you can easily prepare at home. Let's dive in!
                      Prep Time 10 minutes
                      Cook Time 15 minutes
                      Total Time 25 minutes
                      Course Main Course, Side Dish
                      Cuisine Indian
                      Servings 5 people
                      Calories 13 kcal


                      • 1 pan


                      • 500 gram ash gourd (white pumpkin)
                      • 2 tomatoes, chopped
                      • 4 green chillies
                      • Oil (for cooking)
                      • Salt (to taste)
                      • Dhaniya leaves (coriander leaves)
                      • 2 tablespoons gram flour (besan)


                      • Heat a pan and add oil to it. Allow the oil to heat up.
                      • Add the chopped green chillies and cumin seeds (geera) to the pan. Stir them for a few seconds until they release their aroma.
                      • Now, add the peeled and chopped ash gourd (white pumpkin) along with the chopped tomatoes to the pan.
                      • Sprinkle the turmeric powder (haldi) and salt over the mixture. Give it a good mix to ensure all the ingredients are well combined.
                      • Cook the mixture on high heat for approximately 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.
                      • After 2 minutes, reduce the heat to low and cover the pan. Allow the ash gourd to cook slowly for about 10 minutes, allowing the flavors to develop.
                      • After 10 minutes, remove the lid and check if the ash gourd has turned tender and cooked thoroughly.
                      • At this stage, add the gram flour (besan) and fresh coriander leaves (dhaniya patta) to the pan.
                        Mix everything well, ensuring that the besan is evenly incorporated.
                      • Cook the mixture for another 2-3 minutes on low heat, allowing the besan to cook and blend with the other ingredients.
                      • Once the ash gourd is cooked to perfection and the flavors have melded together, turn off the heat.


                      Serving Suggestions:

                      This delectable ash gourd dish pairs wonderfully with both rice and roti.
                      The soft and succulent texture of the ash gourd, combined with the aromatic spices, creates a delightful experience for your taste buds.
                      Serve it hot and garnish with a sprinkle of fresh coriander leaves for an added touch of freshness
                       Here's the nutritional chart for ash gourd (per 100g) 
                      NutrientAmount per 100g
                      Vitamin C8mg
                      Vitamin A5µg
                      Please note that these values are approximate and can vary slightly depending on the specific variety and freshness of the ash gourd.



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