How To Make Soft Roti | How to Make Soft and Delicious Roti that Stay Soft for 48 hours

How to Make Soft Roti: A Complete Guide

Roti, also known as chapati, is a staple in many Indian households.

Making soft, pliable roti can seem challenging, but with the right technique and a few tips, you can master it.

This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, ensuring you achieve perfect, soft rotis every time.

Ingredients list (How to Make Soft Roti)

  • 350g wheat flour (adjust as needed)
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Refined oil, butter, or ghee
  • Warm water

Step-by-Step How to Make Soft Roti Recipe

Step 1: Prepare the Dough

Combine Ingredients: Take 350g of wheat flour in a large bowl.

Add salt to taste and a small amount of refined oil.

Mix well with your hands until the oil is fully incorporated into the flour.

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Knead the Dough: Gradually add warm water, a little at a time, and knead the mixture into a smooth dough.

The dough should not be too hard or too soft—just the right consistency for making rotis.

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Rest the Dough: Cover the dough and let it rest for 10 minutes.

This resting period helps in making the dough more pliable and easier to roll.

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Step 2: Rolling and Cooking the Roti

Heat the Tawa: Place a tawa (griddle) on medium heat.

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Shape the Dough Balls: Divide the dough into small, equal-sized balls.

Dust each ball lightly with dry flour to prevent sticking.

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Roll the Roti: Using a rolling pin, roll each ball into a thin, circular shape.

If you have trouble rolling evenly, you can use a roti maker or a small bowl to cut out perfect circles.

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Cook the Roti: Place the rolled roti on the heated tawa.

Cook until small bubbles start to appear, then flip the roti.

Cook the other side until bubbles form again.

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Puff the Roti: Flip the roti one more time and gently press it with a clean cotton towel to encourage it to puff up.

If it doesn’t puff up, you can place it directly on the gas flame for a few seconds.

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Keep Warm: Once cooked, place the roti in a covered bowl to retain its heat and softness.

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Health Benefits

Fresh Roti

Nutrient-Rich: Fresh rotis are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which are essential for a balanced diet.

Easily Digestible: Freshly made rotis are easier to digest and help in maintaining good gut health.

One-Day-Old Roti

Probiotic Properties: Slight fermentation in one-day-old rotis can introduce beneficial probiotics.

Enhanced Flavor: The slight change in texture and taste can make for an interesting variation in your diet.

Nutrition Information

Per Serving (1 Roti)

  • Calories: 80
  • Protein: 2.5g
  • Carbohydrates: 15g
  • Fat: 1.5g
  • Fiber: 2g

Per 100g Serving

  • Calories: 250
  • Protein: 7.5g
  • Carbohydrates: 50g
  • Fat: 5g
  • Fiber: 6g

Pro Tips for How to Make Soft Roti?

  1. Always use fresh wheat flour for the best results.

Old or stale flour can affect the texture and taste of your roti.


2. Ensure you measure the flour, water, salt, and oil accurately to maintain the right dough consistency.


3. Sifting the flour helps in aerating it, making the dough softer and easier to knead.


4.Add water in small increments while kneading to avoid making the dough too sticky or too dry.


5.Knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic.

Proper kneading helps in developing gluten, which is crucial for soft rotis.


6. Allow the dough to rest for at least 10-15 minutes.

Resting helps in making the dough more pliable and easier to roll.


7. Always keep the dough covered with a damp cloth or plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out.


8. Make sure the dough balls (lohi) are of uniform size.

This ensures even cooking.


9. Use just enough dry flour to prevent sticking while rolling.

Excess flour can make the roti hard.


10. Roll the dough balls into even circles, applying equal pressure to avoid thick edges and thin centers.


11. Ensure the tawa is properly heated before placing the roti on it.

The tawa should be medium-hot.


12. Cooking the roti on medium heat prevents it from burning and ensures it cooks evenly.


13. Flip the roti as soon as small bubbles appear on the surface.

Overcooking on one side can make the roti hard.


14. Use a clean cotton towel to gently press the edges of the roti, encouraging it to puff up.

Alternatively, you can place it directly on the gas flame for a few seconds.


15. Once cooked, keep the rotis in a covered container to retain their moisture and softness.


16. Serve the rotis hot and fresh for the best taste and texture.

Reheating can sometimes make them chewy.


17. Making perfect rotis takes practice.


Don’t get discouraged by initial failures; keep practicing to improve your technique.

In short, Making soft and perfect roti is a skill that can be mastered with practice and the right technique.

Follow this guide, and you’ll be able to prepare delicious, soft rotis every time.

Enjoy the health benefits of fresh rotis and the subtle flavors of one-day-old rotis in your meals.

By mastering these steps, you’ll not only improve your culinary skills but also contribute to a healthier diet.

Happy cooking!


FAQs: (How to Make Soft Roti?)

How to Make Soft Roti?

To make soft roti, knead wheat flour with salt, oil, and warm water into a smooth, pliable dough.

Let the dough rest, then divide it into small balls.

Roll each ball into a thin circle and cook on a medium-hot tawa, flipping when bubbles appear.

To ensure the roti puffs up and stays soft, press gently with a cloth and keep the cooked rotis covered.

Why is my roti hard?

Hard roti can be due to too much flour or insufficient kneading.

Ensure the dough is soft and let it rest properly.

How can I store leftover rotis?

Store leftover rotis in an airtight container to keep them soft. Reheat on a tawa before serving.

Can I use whole wheat flour?

Yes, whole wheat flour is commonly used for making rotis and is a healthier option.

Why is my roti hard even though I followed the recipe?

There could be several reasons for this:

  • The dough might be too dry. Add water gradually to achieve a soft, pliable dough.
  • Insufficient kneading can lead to hard rotis. Knead the dough thoroughly to develop gluten.
  • Cooking on high heat can make the roti hard. Always cook on medium heat.

How do I keep my rotis soft for a long time?

Store the rotis in a covered container immediately after cooking to retain moisture.

You can also wrap them in a clean kitchen towel or aluminum foil before placing them in a container.

Can I use different types of flour for making roti?

Yes, you can use different types of flour like multigrain flour, whole wheat flour, or even gluten-free flour.

However, the texture and taste might vary slightly.

What can I do if my roti doesn’t puff up?

  • Ensure the dough is kneaded well and allowed to rest.
  • Roll the dough evenly, not too thin or thick.
  • Make sure the tawa is hot enough.
  • Use a cotton cloth to press the edges gently after flipping.

How thick should I roll my roti?

The ideal thickness for a roti is about 2-3 mm.

If it’s too thick, it won’t cook evenly; if it’s too thin, it might become crispy.

How can I add more flavor to my roti?

You can add finely chopped herbs like cilantro or spinach, spices like cumin or ajwain seeds, or even garlic to the dough for extra flavor.

Can I make roti without oil or ghee?

Yes, you can make roti without oil or ghee, but adding a small amount helps in making the dough softer and the roti more pliable.

What is the best way to reheat rotis?

Reheat rotis on a hot tawa for a few seconds on each side.

You can also wrap them in a damp paper towel and microwave for 15-20 seconds.

Can I freeze roti dough?

Yes, you can freeze the dough. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and store it in an airtight container.

Thaw it completely and knead it again before use.

Is roti healthier than bread?

Roti is generally healthier than many types of bread, especially if made from whole wheat flour.

It contains more fiber and fewer preservatives compared to store-bought bread.

Can I make rotis in advance?

Yes, you can make rotis in advance and store them in an airtight container.

To keep them soft, wrap them in a clean kitchen towel before placing them in the container.

How do I make roti without a rolling pin?

If you don’t have a rolling pin, you can use a clean bottle or any cylindrical object to roll the dough.

Alternatively, you can use a tortilla press or even shape the dough with your hands.

Why does my dough become sticky?

If your dough is sticky, it might have too much water.

Gradually add flour and knead until you get the right consistency.

Also, ensure your hands and the working surface are lightly floured.

What can I serve with roti?

Roti pairs well with a variety of dishes, including curries, dals, vegetable stir-fries, and chutneys.

It’s versatile and can complement almost any Indian dish.

How can I make gluten-free roti?

For gluten-free roti, use flours like besan (chickpea flour), bajra (pearl millet), or jowar (sorghum).

These flours may require different kneading techniques and cooking times.

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