How to Make Delicious Fried Rice: Step-by-Step Guide


T– Boiled rice (2 cups) – 2 carrot – Onions (2 big) – Green chilies (2) – Mint (a handful) – Coriander (a handful) – Garam masala (1 tsp) – Sugar (1 tsp) – Oil (4 tbsp) – Salt (to taste) – Haldi (1/2 tsp)

Heat 4 tbsp of oil in a pan, and add the chopped onions. Fry the onions until they become translucent

add the chopped green chilies,carrot . Mix well and fry for a minute.

add the boiled rice to the pan and the mint,dhaniya,haldi,garam masala, salt.mix well for a few minutes until the rice is well coated with the spices.

Add 1/2 teaspon of sugar .cover the pan for 10 to 13 mins at low flame

Your delicious fried rice is ready to be served.